C.k prahalad and gary hamel 's hbr classic core competence of the corporation made popular the notion that knowing and mastering core business factors can be leveraged across products and markets .
Monsieur hamel looked at me with no sign of anger and said very gently : english tang . " Go at once to your seat , my little frantz ; we were going to begin without you . "
At the same moment , the bugles of the prussians returning from drill blared under our windows . Monsieur hamel rose , pale as death , from his chair .
Ambitious and imaginative managers have little to fear from the brave new world that hamel describes so well in this book .
When the grammar lesson was coming to an end , mr. hamel passed a sheet of paper to us .
Hamel took corporate strategy away from the precision of traditional planning . He saw it in terms of dramatic change , of revolution .
Yet , while we are drawn to good design , as mr. hamel points out , we 're not quite sure why .
The ambitious challenge gary hamel has set himself and largely met is to provide a new route map for 21st-century managers .