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- You hain 't got the invention of a cockroach .
- 你的脑子都比不上一只蟑螂。
- Mr hain said a barrage could make a " massive contribution " to tackling climate change .
- 海因表示这个巨障可以对阻止气候变迁做出「大规模贡献」。
- Hain celestial , maker of celestial seasonings herbal tea , last week reported an 8 per cent increase in consumption of its herbal tea in the us during its most recent quarter , after it shifted advertising spending to coupons .
- 生产celestial调味草本茶的haincelestial集团上周公布,在将广告支出转投向优惠券后,上一季度其草本茶的美国消费量增加了8%。
- What 's more , scott says , hain celestial is the " rare " growth company with a focus on squeezing productivity and profits from its manufacturing operations and supply chain .
- 斯科特说,此外,HainCelestial很重视发掘制造业务和供应链的生产率,这在成长型公司中“很少见”。
- Plus , scott says , hain has been smart about adding innovative brands like the british baby-food maker ella 's kitchen , acquired in may , to its existing lineup .
- HainCelestial的聪明之处在于,它在自己销售的商品中不断地加入一些创新型品牌。
- Hain rules : there are 29 signs of the accident behind the major flight accidents .
- 海恩法则:一起重大的飞行事故背后有29起事故征兆。
- Simon irwin , founder and head of hain celestial , described them as a pair whose traits balanced each other : " dave is a lot more aggressive , while brett is more laid back . "
- haincelestial创始人、总裁西蒙欧文(simonirwin)认为两人的特点互相平衡:“大卫要大胆得多,布雷特则更温和。”
- Mr hain 's lawyers , citing free-speech provisions in european human-rights law , failed to have the case struck out on april 24th .
- 海恩的律师,援引了欧洲人权法中言论自由的规定,却没能在4月24日压制住此案。
- Paulus : " from heart attack after a hunt and hunting breakfast . Hain , tell us more " .
- 保卢斯:“听说是在打猎和吃完早饭以后突发心脏病,海恩,给我们讲讲细节。”