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- Preliminary Research on the Symbolic Culture of Gude Temple Enriched with Exotic Styles in Wuhan
- 武汉古德寺之异域风格象征文化初探
- Gude wakes at around6 a.m.to check his work email and his Facebook and Twitter accounts .
- 现在古德早上6点左右起床,查看他的工作邮件,Facebook和Twitter账户。
- The author introduces the history origin , the environment and the layout of Gude Temple enriched with exotic styles in Wuhan , then describes in detail the symbolic culture of Yuantong Treasure Hall enriched with exotic styles respectively from several aspects of plan , facade , roof forms and so on .
- 该文介绍了武汉古德寺的异域风格渊源,环境及布局概况,并分别从平面、立面、屋顶造型等方面详细阐述了圆通宝殿异域风格的象征文化现象。
- The Restoration of Yuantong Temple and Gude Temple in Wuhan
- 武汉古德寺圆通宝殿的修复与保护