Coconut grove is south of downtown , with wide , shaded streets and a laidback vibe that make it a permanently popular location with buyers .
Note that there 's little color variation within the grove in the foreground .
Angelos , a software specialist , bought a neighbour 's olive grove in his home village .
On a recent morning , evers steered his pickup truck through a central california almond grove , his drawling sales pitch at the ready .
The cooling towers , near a grove of date trees and an ornamental pool , look a bit like the great wall .
That first cool fall morning , 17 seventh - and eighth-grade students assembled for their reading and writing class in a large room overlooking a grove of birch and maple trees .
The concept is important , explains duncan poore , one of the authors of the report , because it is not always possible , or desirable , to protect every last grove against encroaching farms or homes .
In his book " gifts of unknown things , " biologist lyall watson describes his encounter with an indonesian shaman woman who , by performing a ritual dance , was able to make an entire grove of trees instantly vanish into thin air .
Vicki wood searches what 's left of her daughter 's home on april 28 , the day after a tornado hit pleasant grove , a neighborhood in birmingham , alabama .
Video showed four israelis move into a grove near their settlement where palestinians were picking olives with the help of israeli and foreign supporters .