

n.沟( groove的名词复数 );槽;老一套;(某种)音乐节奏
v.沟( groove的第三人称单数 );槽;老一套;(某种)音乐节奏

grooves 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

An abacus is essentially an array of beads threaded on string or held in grooves , with each row representing a different digit .
A discarded coca-cola bottle ( with the grooves ) - our throwaway consumer society , found all over the world .
They block bacteria and acids from sticking in the tiny grooves on the chewing surfaces of these teeth .
" Each chair has hand cut grooves on the inside edges of its seat frame as well as notches in the seat back . These grooves range from 1 / 2 " wide to 1 / 8 " wide . "
Emory university professor mark bauerlein has reviewed the available research on this point , and he concludes that " teen blog writing sticks to the lingo of teens --- simple syntax , phonetic spelling , low diction --- and actually grooves bad habits . "
Still missing , it is claimed , were the drainage grooves that siphon off rainwater .
In french the word rifler meant to " scratch " and that 's why the grooves inside a gun barrel are called rifling .
Use a soft brush to work it into the grooves of the plastic as well as for scrubbing seat pads and umbrella fabric .
The marine stratus clouds above were photographed by the aqua satellite over the south atlantic ocean , off the west coast of africa . A fractal cloud pattern is interrupted by a series of diagonal grooves .