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n.凝块,口,<俚>美国水兵( gob的名词复数 )
v.吐唾沫( gob的第三人称单数 )

gobs 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

States with bad weather get more frequent gobs of fema cash and hence are more corrupt .
These are tough , you should standand smack their gobs !
To be sure , currency intervention is often ineffective , because it takes huge gobs of cash to push such large markets around .
Even at this early stage in wave 's development , busy programmers have created gobs of great gadgets to provide you with even more clever ways to interact , share , and collaborate with other wave participants .
To be more serious , the whole leadership rally was a long hymn of praise to the joys of the state , to great gobs of public spending , and above all to unionised public sector workers .
Books on management tend to define success in the broadest possible terms-great product , happy employees , continuous improvement , gobs of profits , crushed competitors .
Alternative energies are not dense at all and require gobs of space to generate a fraction of the energy generated by a small nuclear facility .
I know , there are gobs of new tablets and phones , and they 're all faster , thinner , lighter and sharper than last year 's models .
With lofty goals and gobs of cash in the wings thanks to its impending initial public offering , facebook may not be done shopping .
In other words , facebook makes gobs of money because of its massive reach , not because it is a particularly effective advertising medium .