In his gloomiest assessment of economic prospects since becoming governor in 2003 , mr king said british banks needed to raise significant funding from abroad .
German business confidence crumbled in august , with sentiment about the next six months falling to the gloomiest level since the severe economic downturn of the early 1990s .
In the life gloomiest that days , dai tingbin instructed to enter zhao ruirui 's world .
The government 's gloomiest forecast is of a rise in gdp this year of 1.7 % .
Even the gloomiest fund manager , concedes markets look ' a little oversold ' right now .
Britain emerged as the second gloomiest country of those surveyed .
Germans are the gloomiest people in europe according to a major new study of the 27 nations in the european union .
Even as the brits were celebrating more gold bank of england governor sir mervyn king was giving one of the gloomiest gubernatorial assessments of the future I have ever heard .
The people who know most about afghanistan are often the gloomiest .
After all , the euro zone actually performed worse in 2012 than even the gloomiest forecaster predicted , and the greek economy collapsed more completely than anyone believed possible .