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geoscience 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Our undergraduate program offers options to study environmental science , geoscience , physics of the atmospheres and oceans , and planetary science and astronomy .
If we assume that the average student declares a geoscience major about three years prior to graduation , the expected number of degrees per year should be about double the number produced .
Paul kench at the university of auckland in new zealand and arthur webb at the south pacific applied geoscience commission in fiji used historical aerial photos and high-resolution satellite images to study changes in the land surface of 27 pacific islands over the last 60 years .
Shrinking ice and snow cover across the arctic has sabotaged the far north 's " albedo " -- one of the earth 's tried-and-true methods of chilling itself and maintaining a relatively stable global climate , according a new study that appeared this week in nature geoscience .
So as nature geoscience 's editors state in an editorial for their special edition , " even if there are a number of planets that could support tectonics , running water and the chemical cycles that are essential for life as we know it , it seems unlikely that any of them would look like earth . "
In the new research , published online today innature geoscience , geochemists led by junjun zhang at the university of chicago in illinois , together with a colleague at the university of bern in switzerland , looked at titanium isotopes in 24 separate samples of lunar rock and soil .
Their findings were recently published in nature geoscience .
To qualify for a geoscience job a person must earn at least a bachelor 's degree .
One of the basic problems of quantification in geoscience is uncertainty .
A team of researchers from the university of nevada recently developed a model for how the gold deposits formed . Their research was published online in the journal nature geoscience .