But later we still find land owned by the gentes , to say nothing of the state land , round which the whole internal history of the republic centers .
Like the greeks of the heroic age , the romans in the age of the so-called kings lived in a military democracy founded on gentes , phratries , and tribes and developed out of them .
As we have said , ten gentes formed a phratry , which among the romans was called a curia and had more important public functions than the greek phratry .
The fifty sachems were distributed among the tribes and gentes at the foundation of the confederacy to hold the new offices specially created for federal purposes .
At the time of the second punic war the gentes joined together to ransom their members who had been taken prisoner ;
" Curia : one of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early rome , consisting of ten gentes . "
The tribe itself breaks up into several tribes , in each of which we find again , for the most part , the old gentes .
But once the gens is given as the social unit , we also see how the whole constitution of gentes , phratries , and tribes is almost necessarily bound to develop from this unit , because the development is natural .
In the homeric poems we find most of the greek tribes already united into small nations , within which , however , gentes , phratries , and tribes retained their full independence .
As among the mexicans and greeks , so also among the germans , the order of battle , both the cavalry squadrons and the wedge formations of the infantry , was drawn up by gentes .