
n.系谱,家系,宗谱( genealogy的名词复数 )
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- Kjv and their brethren among all the families of issachar were valiant men of might , reckoned in all by their genealogies fourscore and seven thousand .
- 和合繁他们的族弟兄在以萨迦各族中都是大能的勇士,按著家谱计算共有八万七千人。
- Helping in solving many issues regarding genealogies that could not be done by relying only .
- 有助于解决仅靠……不能解决的宗谱有关的许多问题。
- And their brethren among all the families of issachar valiant men of might , reckoned in all by their genealogies fourscore and seven thousand .
- 他们的族弟兄在以萨迦各族中都是大能的勇士,按著家谱计算共有八万七千人。
- All israel was listed in the genealogies recorded in the book of the kings of israel .
- 全以色列都统计了,且记载在以色列列王实录上。
- All problems known to the human dream and terra 's dream alike are the result of blending non-resonant genealogies and dissonant dreams which causes sour to very sour music .
- 人类梦想所知的一切问题及terra梦想所知的一切同样问题,都是混合了不相容的遗传宗谱以及不和谐梦想而造成越来越酸涩的音乐的缘故。
- However let us suffice to say that the polarities do not affect only one planet ; that there were five other planets seeded with the grand master genealogies that were cloned in a laboratory in sirius .
- 然而让我们足以说,这些极性不仅影响了一个星球,它们还影响了其它5个同样播种了来自天狼星实验室克隆的大头颅人类的星球。
- Kjv but avoid foolish questions , and genealogies , and contentions , and strivings about the law ; for they are unprofitable and vain .
- 新译本你要远避愚昧的辩论、家谱、纷争和律法上的争执,因为这都是虚妄无益的。
- Given my objective of theorising subjectivity as it is re-produced in discourses , it is personal genealogies which are a necessary part of the analysis .
- 鉴于我随着主体性在话语中再生产(re-produce)而将其理论化的目标,分析必须的部分应该是个人家谱。
- Ascending vegetables and fruit will each bring in variant genealogies as they ascend and some may have a sweeter taste and yet others a more earthy or salty taste depending upon genetic mineral and sugar contents .
- 提升的蔬菜瓜果当提升时,每种都会带来不同的遗传;依据其遗传信息及所含糖分的不同,有一些会味道更甜,有一些则土味更重,或者有点咸。
- Scripture genealogies use to lead us on to the true line of christ .
- 《圣经》中的家谱指向基督.