But as switzerland found this year , a single government 's efforts to weaken its currency can prove futile .
To break through this barrier I needed to find a place for my madness , instead of allowing psychiatrists their futile attempts to get rid of it .
It is as if , in the past 18 months , italy 's public life had described a huge , futile circle .
Applying seo to a poorly designed and dysfunctional web site is futile .
Just as the american embargo has been futile and counterproductive , there is no evidence that " engagement " by europeans or latin americans has much impact in havana .
After a murderous adventure in iraq , it has seemed like a waste of money and lives-a futile attempt to force modernity upon the corrupt rulers of an unwilling country .
While promising that all options are on the table , he has let successive defence secretaries say that bombingiranwould be futile and dangerous , which may be true but blurs the message .