

v.皱眉( frown的第三人称单数 )

frowns 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

To celebrate the opening of a new gas pipeline to britain , he even dropped in on an ordinary british customer for a cup of tea heated up with norwegian gas , mr solvik olsen points out , just the sort of thing the government frowns on in norway .
When she frowns , the slight dimples on her smooth forehead remind one of the tired and shy expression on her mother 's face .
Yet much research has shown that many emotions share " universal " characteristics . Smiles and frowns seem to be recognized as positive and negative expressions nearly everywhere .
Providing more immediate information are the changes in a person 's face , such as smiles , frowns or scowls . These changes provide us with the most obvious information about someone 's mood or immediate intentions .
But when it comes to practising politics , particularly at election time , the republicans have a rather different hero , a man of frowns rather than smiles : richard nixon .