
foundries 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Yang told me it had already shut down hundreds of small mines and were in the process of closing 160 of 196 iron foundries and 57 of 153 coking plants .
- 杨告诉我已经有数百家小煤矿关闭,并且计划关闭196家铸铁厂中的160家,153家焦煤厂中的57家。
- These firms also produce blank silicon wafers for other chip foundries : shin-etsu rolls out around 1.2 million 12-inch wafers per month .
- 这些工厂还为其他芯片铸造厂生产空白硅晶:shin-etsu每月能生产约120万12英寸的晶圆。
- Another company that tcs is helping is ammarun foundries , a maker of cast parts for general engineering and vehicles .
- tcs帮助的另一家公司是通用工程和车辆铸件制造商ammarunfoundries。
- It was settled by men who lived in tents and worked in the foundries while they built their own homes .
- 当时它的首批居民住在帐篷里,一边在铸造厂工作,一边建造自己的新家。
- Before the earthquake , renesas planned to increase that to 25 % by 2013 , most to foundries outside japan .
- 地震之前,瑞萨计划在2013年之前将这个比例提高至25%,其中多数都是外包给日本以外的工厂。
- As a result semiconductor foundries often need to engage in cut-throat price war to keep or attract customers .
- 如此一来半导体代工业就必须要用激烈的割喉价格战来保有旧客户或者吸引新客户.
- Birmingham was aiways known for foundries and biasting and things iike this .
- 伯明翰一直都是以铸造厂和爆炸之类出名的。
- Some experience working with foundries and die castings would be very beneficial .
- 有铸造和拉模铸造的经验将会有益。
- Lead in the air comes from myriad sources , including smelters as well as iron and steel foundries .
- 空气中的铅来源很广,包括熔炼厂和钢铁厂。
- Hence the rise of " foundries " , the smelters of the information age .
- 因此晶圆代工厂的增加是信息时代的熔炉。