

v.放弃( forsake的现在分词 );弃绝;抛弃;摒弃

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At the other extreme is the risk that major powers go their own way , forsaking effective coordination of policies in favour of more nationalistic moves , such as aggressive currency management or trade and financial protectionism .
In a revealing recent speech in washington dc , wolfgang sch uble , the german finance minister , said that the crisis was the result of forsaking " long-term gains for short-term gratification " , by piling up debt and abandoning competitiveness .
By discouraging exams , then , harvard is hardly forsaking academic rigor .
When britain abandoned the gold standard in 1931 , it was not only forsaking a system for managing the currency but also acknowledging that it could no longer bear the mantle of empire .
A carefully conceived grid system also allows the designer to introduce variations without forsaking readability or consistency .
Watching today 's campaign against libya 's colonel muammar qaddafi , who earned kudos and forgiveness in 2003 for forsaking nefarious nuclear ambitions , must have made kim jong il and his sidekicks even more determined to cling on to-and enhance-their putative nuclear deterrent .