

n.小花(尤指菊科植物管状花状小花),绢丝( floret的名词复数 )

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I would like the blessing of going florets , forever blooming in this warm harvest season , you always show for the festive spirit .
Any of several new world plants of the genus gaillardia in the composite family , having red or yellow florets grouped into large solitary flower heads .
The experimentsalso showed that the nitrogen metabolism was favourable for the diffe-rentiation of floret primordia , while the carbon metabolism promoted thedevelopment of florets .
In the asteraceae family ( formerly compositae ) , the flower head consists of many tiny flowers called florets .
Stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath ; of alpine regions of southern and eastern europe .
Eating broccoli may not deliver enough sulforaphane to achieve the same effect , but to get the most you can , eat your broccoli raw or briefly steam or stir-fry the green florets .
Shrub ; leaves simple , alternate , obovate , base cuneate , margin sometimes toothed ; tubular florets ; achene creasted , change to brown when dry .
Van gogh 's most famous works the sunflowers series - show a mutant variant of sunflowers with bands of yellow ' double flowers ' , distinct from the usual single whorl of flattened florets normally found .
As far as vegetables go , I used a combination of thin asparagus and broccoli florets here ( in season ) , but harumi uses green beans , cauliflower , and broccoli .
Herb of central and southern europe having purple florets .