To ensure continuity in national security and protect a vulnerable political flank , he asked robert gates , mr bush 's defence secretary , to stay in his job .
Magma can erupt to the surface and form lava flows through the volcano 's summit ( frequently forming a crater ) , but it can also erupt from lava domes and flank vents along the volcano 's sides .
" If germany promises something that cannot be delivered if the markets attack it hard , then europe would be left with a wide open flank , " she declared .
A lake blue silk cloth his mother worse is hanging on the flank in the basement always here . There is a spot left on the lappet in those years . He never washes it to prevent lose of a stalk of silk .
Even green left has to watch out on its radical flank for the animal rights party , which under the dutch proportional-voting system might pick up a couple of seats .
In order to enhance the incandescent lava flowing down the volcano 's snow-covered flank , I used a 15-second exposure .
In the past year mr romney 's views have metamorphosed worryingly as he has tried to protect his flank against a succession of conservative challengers .