finders 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The technical requirements of operational frequency distribution and anti-interference of sound for fish finders .
- 探鱼仪工作频率分配及其防止声波干扰技术要求。
- Larger numbers of buyers are turning to private property finders such as garringtons and oakhall to help them source suitable properties .
- 很多购买者正转向类似garringtons或oakhall之类的私人房产公司,由他们来寻找合适的房产。
- Dr davison , however , wants to replace the range finders , which are expensive and fiddly , with a digital camera , which is small , cheap and well understood .
- 然而,戴维森博士想要使用廉价轻便且便于理解的数码摄像头,用以替代昂贵复杂的测距仪。
- Honest finders of lost cameras post photos on the site , along with information on where and when it was found .
- 发现丢失相机的诚实孩子在该网站张贴照片,以及发现地点和时间的相关信息。
- For example , here in north america , navigation and family-safety solutions are the most popular . In western europe , navigation is the most used , followed by local search and friend finders , but there 's no significant uptake in safety applications .
- 比如,在北美,导航和家庭安全(家长控制)软件人气最旺,而在西欧,人们使用得最多的是导航,本地搜索和寻找朋友则紧随其后,但对安全方面的应用则乏人问津。
- He points out that phones can allow farmers in rural india to check market prices for their crops , they can act as wallets , location finders and can store all of a child 's schoolwork for a year .
- 他指出,印度农村的农民现在可以通过手机查看庄稼的市场价格,把它们当作皮夹、定位器,还可以存储孩子一年的全部功课。
- Clustered around berkeley square in central london , this crew consists of property finders , educational consultants , advisers on art and philanthropy , social secretaries and concierge services .
- 在伦敦市中心的伯克利广场(berkeleysquare),有这么一群人,包括:物业猎头、教育顾问、艺术及慈善顾问、社交秘书和礼宾服务人员等等。
- Sales of multimillion dollar homes in australia , for instance , are nearly always silent listings , says tracey finnegan of premium property finders , a sydney-based buying agent who has worked with clients from all over the world .
- 比方说,在澳洲,价值几百万美元的房屋交易几乎都是未公之于众的房源,特蕾西芬尼根(traceyfinnegan)说,她是总部位于悉尼premiumpropertyfinders房地产公司的买方代理,客户遍布全球各个角落。
- These compasses were south pointing and were primarily used on land as divination tools and direct finders .
- 这些罗盘指向南方,主要在陆地上使用,作为占卜工具和方向的寻找。
- Other fishermen use electronic depth finders to know how deep the water is .
- 有些钓客使用电子测深仪来探知水的深度。