
financiers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It had been long believed that their role as financiers of government brought only inflation .
- 人们长期以来一直认为,央行作为政府资金提供者的角色带来的结果唯有通货膨胀。
- The right-wing press brims with conspiracy theories about foreign financiers and global capitalism .
- 有关国外金融人士及全球资本主义的阴谋论充斥着右翼媒体。
- London 's financiers have also become more generous donors to charity .
- 伦敦的金融家们也对慈善事业给予了更多的支持。
- On wall street , a credit crisis has financiers seeking the fundamentals of what creates market value .
- 而在华尔街,一场信贷危机促使金融专家们寻找创造市场价值的根源。
- Foreign financiers will simply pay their taxes elsewhere .
- 国外金融家只需在其它地方纳税。
- We had to hype the film to attract the financiers .
- 为了吸引出资人我们不得不为该电影大肆做广告。
- Financiers and officials in london believe that is untrue .
- 英国的财政学者和官员们持不同意见。
- Landlords and the financiers had combined against the small bourgeoisie and the workers .
- 大地主和大资本家已经联合起来反对小资产阶级和工人。
- It also illustrates the complex ties that exist between leading financiers and the presidential candidates .
- 它同时表明了金融界要人与美国总统候选人之间的复杂关系。
- Ironically , uk research is recognised internationally as leading the way-by academics and financiers alike .
- 很讽刺的是,英国在研究领域被认为是领头羊无论学术界还是商界。