
finalizes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Sec finalizes guidance on management 's assessment of internal control over financial reporting .
- 关于管理层财务报告内部控制评估的指引终获落实。
- Changan mazda finalizes breakup with ford , to relocate to nanjing .
- 长安马自达与福特分家,总部迁至南京。
- A full moon finalizes things , so you may be sending money out , or agreeing on a final amount of salary you will accept for a new job .
- 满月会促使事情结束,所以你也许会汇款,或者议定最后薪金而接受一份新的工作。
- Successes and failures ; an entry will be created when the particular event or action successfully finalizes or fails .
- 失败只有一个审计项目时,将设立一个特定的事件或行动失败。
- Management pattern of the network ideological and political education refers to the network ideological and political education 's management structure and implementing strategy that finalizes the design in network ideological and political education 's management practices under the guidance of the certain theory .
- 网络思想政治教育管理模式是指在一定思想理论的指导下,经网络思想政治教育管理实践而定型的网络思想政治教育管理结构及其配套的实施策略。
- If the commission goes ahead and finalizes the decision , the big four could appeal to federal district court and ask for a stay of the decision .
- 如果SEC公布上述终裁结果,四大还可以向联邦地区法院提出上诉,同时要求暂缓执行SEC的决定。
- Please wait while windows finalizes your computer settings .
- windows正最后完成计算机的设置,请稍候。
- As bp finalizes its work in killing the well .
- 由于英国石油公司在定案杀好工作.
- Inaccuracy of project of irrigation works construction finalizes the design research of economic assessment technique .
- 水利建设项目不确定型经济评价方法研究。