
finalized 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Details of the embargo are to be finalized by eu foreign ministers meeting in brussels .
- 这次禁运的具体细节将由欧盟国家外长在布鲁塞尔开会最终决定。
- General petraeus has finalized a set of rules for guiding the transition process of turning security duties over to afghan forces in the months ahead .
- 彼得雷乌斯将军已确定了一套移交程序规则,用于指导在未来几个月内将安全保障的任务移交给阿富汗部队。
- Even renegotiation of the plan , finalized only in march , is out of the question , euro-zone authorities have warned .
- 欧元区有关部门警告说,对3月份刚刚确定的救助方案展开重新谈判也是不可能的。
- Greece 's second bailout from the euro-zone countries will be in place once conditions are finalized .
- 一旦欧元区对希腊救援的所有细节都敲定,它就将生效。
- In the html5 standard that is being finalized , there are a number of new items that add on real application development capabilities to html 's existing document formatting .
- 在正在定稿的html5标准里面,添加了一些新的项目,这些项目为html目前的文档格式附加上了真正的应用开发能力。
- How the industry will fare in the fight over nutrition standards will not be clear until they are finalized later this year .
- 该行业在对抗营养标准上如何行动要到它们在今年晚些时候最后定下来才会清楚。
- But the deal was never finalized .
- 不过,这项协议并没有最终定案。
- I don 't think we finalized anything yet .
- 我认为我们还没有作任何最后的决定。
- Regulations for finalized test of the shipboard radar reconnaissance equipment .
- 舰船雷达侦察机定型试验规程。
- Google has finalized android 2.2 , and rolled it out to nexus one users .
- google终于发布了android2.2,并且推送给了nexusone的用户们。