They feed on some 300 species of plant , including figs , mulberries , corn , citrus fruits as well as soybeans , legumes and weeds .
Foods you can eat with your hands , such as asparagus , exotic fruits , figs and chocolate , work best as you can feed them to each other .
What if we run out of dried figs and almonds ? That 's when jesus waved his hand and , I couldn 't believe it , but there it was : an all-you-can-eat buffet .
She took two hundred loaves of bread , two skins of wine , five dressed sheep , five seahs of roasted grain , a hundred cakes of raisins and two hundred cakes of pressed figs , and loaded them on donkeys .
In the market-place stand the fruitsellers , who sell all kinds of fruit : ripe figs , with their bruised purple flesh , melons , smelling of musk and yellow as topazes , citrons and rose-apples and clusters of white grapes , round red-gold oranges , and oval lemons of green gold .