As I sat down , they watched me , staring rather hard , and a young female who had been lying on the ground climbed a little way up a tall fig tree .
In addition to antelope and monkey species associated with forests , the deposits contained forest-dwelling birds and seeds from fig and palm trees .
He wore a yankees cap , drove a taxi for a few hours every morning and tended to his fig , apple and orange trees in the afternoon .
And the first cypress ( so slight and yet so straight ) , the first olive tree , the dusty fig tree .
Holding fig by the stem end , dip halfway into chocolate and remove , leaving the fruit suspended over bowl until all excess chocolate has dripped off .
If there 's butter and white wine in your refrigerator and fig newtons in the cookie jar , you 're likely to vote for hillary clinton . Prefer olive oil , bear naked granola and a latte to go ?
A socotran fig tree ( dorstenia gigas ) with a bizare swollen trunk that almost has human proportions grows against a limestone rock face on the island of socotra .
There was a bright , clear view of the valley below . The rises were covered with tall grasses , common saffron brush , broom cluster fig , and cape ash .
Seeds , bones , shell fragments , and other remains suggest herculaneum residents had a diverse diet , which included chicken , mutton , fish , fig , fennel , olive , sea urchin ( pictures ) , and mollusk .
Oh dear : the family on the left thought it was a good idea to pose wearing only fig leaves and santa hats while the family on the right appear to make up a christmas tree . The daughter at the front looks less than impressed