

fiercely 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Two malenorthern elephant sealsfighting fiercely for mates .
- 图为两只北方象海豹因为争夺配偶而猛烈的打斗。
- Zinjibar is still being fiercely fought over .
- 津吉巴尔仍然处于激烈的争夺战中。
- Banks are also competing fiercely for deposits .
- 银行们同样还在为存款额激烈竞争。
- But banks are resisting this fiercely .
- 但是,银行业正对此进行激烈的抵制。
- The press would fiercely oppose direct political oversight .
- 媒体也必将激烈反对直接的政府监督。
- Printer manufacturers compete fiercely on price .
- 打印机生产商的价格竞争非常激烈。
- Then they compete fiercely to be admitted into the party .
- 接着,他们会通过激烈的竞争获准入党。
- For another , domestic interests may protest fiercely , threatening central bank independence .
- 另外,国内利率或许也会剧烈地波动,这将威胁到中央银行的独立性。
- Already , the new world of wellness is becoming fiercely competitive .
- 健康产业这一新领域的竞争已经越来越激烈。
- It would consign america to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy .
- 若消减教育开支,美国也在竞争激烈的全球经济中退居其次。