Our feelings of heaviness and lightness emerge out of this " feud " between two opposing tendencies .
Our feud traces back to our childhood .
Somebody tipped you to the drug feud .
Ms. rinehart won control of the mining empire after a bitter family feud with her stepmother , a filipina nurse .
If so , who are they , what are they like , and what is the history of their feud with your character ?
His party is mired in an internal feud .
Romania , the second-largest east european eu member , is paralysed by a political feud between the prime minister and president .
The women told the young boy stories , tales of mexico , of revolution , of peasants who were leaving the land to make great cities , of bandits , of love and lust , of feud and food , of indians , of spaniards and baroque spanish towns in america .
In the current u.s. - china feud , both sides have ample grounds to get their dander up .
San francisco - a fierce and public feud between oracle and hewlett-packard , two of the world 's largest technology companies , has ended after all of two weeks .