

v.(伤口/破口)化脓( fester的过去式和过去分词 );溃烂;(不快的思想或情感)更加苦恼;愈益恶化

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Unfortunately , successive european rescue plans fell short and , though the ecb bought temporary relief by supplying banks with cheap , long-term cash in december and february , the crisis has festered and deepened .
Many cities that were once notorious for pollution , crime , crowding and infectious diseases have generally cleaned up , calmed down and spread out in recent years , while rural problems have festered .
Although one of the spills was quickly ended by plugging and abandoning that well , problems festered at a second site where fresh leaks from the seabed floor continued to pop up in july and august .
As tension festered , the british were consumed with the more immediate threat of germany . But in the end it was the u. s.that delivered the knockout blow .
For five years his resentment against the men who exploited their hero status to further their careers-and ruin his-has festered , but he was helpless to set things right .
Under george bush , america 's relationship with iran festered .
Yemen 's problems have festered for years .
It took decades to get geographically based gambling regulations right ; for much of the 20th century crime festered in las vegas .
Yet she clearly feels at ease with her husband 's mission of restoring pride to a japan that conservatives feel has for too long festered in wartime guilt .