

abbr.facility error recognition system 设备差错识别系统

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The article takes the concrete standard and the earthquake resistance reinforce - ment standard as a premise , combines the reinforcement and transformation measures , intro - duces the main components and segments processing method proceeded under the premise of assuring the structural system of the original project unchanged based on the practicality and of - fers the references for the trans - formation and reinforcement of the structural system of the same kind .
More foreign exchange reserves ( FERs ) mean greater risks and higher level of difficulty and complexity in management .
The Open Group ’ s risk taxonomy of ­ fers a useful overview of risk factors ( see Figure1 ) .
The process of management of FERs is in fact a process of identifying , measuring , controlling , and evaluating management effectiveness .
The resolution problem of fuzzy relation equations ( FRES ) is a very important subject in fuzzy sets and systems , the majority of fuzzy inference systems can be implemented by using FERS .