fem 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- There was no doubt that we would win the game after a fem more goals were scored .
- 又进了几个球之后,毫无疑问,我们会赢得这场比赛。
- Influence of mesh density and model range on calculation accuracy of strength reduction fem was discussed based on small deformation supposition .
- 基于小变形情况讨论了网格疏密和模型边界对有限元强度折减法计算精度的影响。
- A faithful heeler serves his one and only owner , while a spirited fem do not marry another husband .
- 忠臣只侍一主,烈女不嫁二夫。
- Such at least is the hope of five optimistic graduate students in the university 's entertainment technology center , who have been given one 15-week semester to render the fembot palpably more fem and less bot .
- 至少,这是该大学娱乐技术中心五位乐观的研究生的冀望,他们已经获得一个15周的学期用来呈现这个女性机器人,使之多几分女性的味道,少几分机器人的气息。
- Three-dimensional fem model for erd borehole stability analysis .
- 大位移井井壁稳定分析三维有限元模型。
- Fem care pharma launches beauty hunt in maharashtra , india .
- 有限元保健制药公司推出美在马哈拉施特拉邦,印度亨特。
- Fem analysis of tumbrel internal-combustion engine cylinder cover based on solidworks .
- 基于solidworks农机用发动机缸盖的有限元分析。
- Moreover , fefc forms the base of the fem application framework .
- 同时,也为建立有限元应用程序框架打下基础。