

[人名] 菲尔古德

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One study found that the areas of the brain activated by the notorious ' feelgood ' drug cocaine were the same ones that became active when lovers were shown photographs of their partners .
For driver and front passenger it 's all feelgood ; the high-sided sports seats are both attractive and effective .
In his book , bill gates talks about how feelgood , politically-correct teachings created a full generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this education set them up for failure in the real world .
In a move beyond feelgood ethics and anaemic committees , compliance divisions should report directly to chief management and the board of directors , and periodically file public sustainability reports to regulatory bureaux in washington ramped up for rigorous oversight .
But you cannot help thinking that back then in your prime ( an hour or a minute ago ) you were enjoying plain life and reality , while there is none of either in danny boyle 's feelgood mumbai tale .
Feelgood themes and underscores for a modern world .
More radical critics will argue that 10:10 is just " feelgood " window dressing designed to paper over the cracks in a broken economic model .
Analysis of a ' feelgood ' brain region called the nucleus accumbens also revealed that men and women have different attitudes to humour .
Disney can always be relied upon to come up with a decent feelgood movie .