The world fell in love with the effective , fascinatingly fast technology .
Fascinatingly , its fear system seems to be otherwise unaffected : it still dreads open spaces , and it can learn to avoid electric shocks .
But there was something about russian literature , indeed about " russianness " , that tugged at her ever since her first violin lessons with a fascinatingly odd russian man named maxim .
Fascinatingly , research is beginning to show that the traditional psychological " therapies " addressing these inner measure of performance such as relaxation and goal setting lose their effectives once people reach middle class .
Now the member of british parliament for penrith and the border , in rural northwest england , rory stewart has led a fascinatingly broad life of public service .
Maybe it was my happy experience with her , following after the earlier experience of the austrian classroom , where , fascinatingly , meaningless sounds gradually became meaningful , that infected me with a continuing desire to understand , speak , and listen to other languages .