
farewells 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Bidding us both fond farewells , they left .
- 和我们深情道别之后,他们离开了。
- We said our farewells to our dear friends .
- 我们跟亲爱的朋友们道别。
- She said her farewells and left .
- 她告别后就离开了。
- After about half an hour we say our fond farewells .
- 约半小时后,我们说我们喜欢道别。
- Some weeks later , my wife asked if we could drive to the crematorium so she could lay some flowers and say her final farewells .
- 几周后,我的妻子问我能不能陪她一起去火化场,她给科林留点鲜花,做最后的告别。
- Has she returned to rome , absent farewells ?
- 莫非她一声不响地已经回罗马去了?
- It 's time to say our farewells .
- 该是我们告辞的时候了。
- Greets members and their guests and farewells them whenever possible .
- 在任何可能的情况下,向会员及宾客致意并送别他们。
- He waited patiently while they said their farewells .
- 在他们依依惜别的时候,他耐心地等待着。
- After touching farewells and warm shakes of the hand , the guests seperated .
- 在殷切的临别赠言和热烈的握手以后,来宾们便分手了。