fared 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Other regions have fared better .
- 其它地区的表现则更好一些。
- Health insurers and cable companies fared worst .
- 健康保险公司和有线电视公司的表现最差。
- Many small local newspapers fared better .
- 许多小型地方报纸表现较佳。
- Prosecutors fared better at a retrial in september .
- 检察官在九月的再审中表现更好一点。
- Its economy has fared better than anyone dared imagine 18 months ago , when many economists were gloomily predicting a banking crisis .
- 韩国经济状况之好是18个月前任何人都不敢想象的,当时经济学家悲观地预测韩国将出现银行危机。
- I fared rather well in the examination .
- 那次考试我考得还算不错。
- In the same study , men who had four or more drinks a day fared worst of all .
- 在同一项研究中,那些一天喝四次甚至更多就的人境况最糟。
- Retailers haven 't fared much better .
- 零售企业的表现也好不到哪里去。
- Others have not fared as well .
- 其他公司就没这么幸运了。
- How has such argument fared over time ?
- 照此说来,今后事态如何发展?