The worry is that the pain will spread more broadly if european demand for asian exports falters .
Better to borrow to invest in assets we will need than to end up borrowing more as growth falters .
As the system of leverage that magnified credit collapses in on itself , borrowing becomes harder and demand falters .
As economy falters , more people giving up pets
If the recovery falters , a larger dose of this medicine might be a better bet than more qe .
He expects a shakeout among social-networking sites if advertising spending falters , though the strongest will survive .
The day of reckoning will come when the high economic growth rate finally falters .
It is on the matters of diversity and solidarity , however , that the pan-european narrative falters most .
Net interest margins , which averaged a decent 2.5 per cent last year at the top four , could come under pressure as demand to borrow for things such as working capital falters .
If israel falters , many of its people think , the iron wall of military power that has enabled it to win grudging acceptance in the middle east will have been seriously breached .