falser 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He swore falser and stole better than anyone else in the world .
- 他比世上任何其他人都更会发假誓而偷窃得更厉害。
- Nothing is in fact falser than the idea that , because shakespeare was an actor , he was disqual .
- 事实上最错误的想法莫过于认为莎士比亚既然是个演员,他就没有资格。
- The falser their words and the greater their mistakes , the better , and the more isolated they will become and the better they will educate the people by negative example .
- 他们讲的话越错越好,犯的错误越大越好,这样他们就越孤立,就越能从反面教育人民。