
n.错误的见解,错误的推论( fallacy的名词复数 )
fallacies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Educated people will accept that we are evolved from primates , that our mental life depends on the functioning of our brains , that we 're subject to illusions , fallacies and biases .
- 受过教育的人会接受:我们是从灵长类进化而来的,我们的精神生活依赖于我们大脑的功能,我们会受错觉、谬误和偏见的束缚。
- This time it was supported by a whole bundle of related fallacies .
- 这一次,它有一整套相关的谬论做支持。
- In addition to these endless pleadings of self-interest , there is a second main factor that spawns new economic fallacies every day .
- 除去这些对于自身利益的无休止的诉求,这儿有另外一个主要的因素可以解释为什么每天都有大量的新的经济学谬论出现。
- These fallacies lull analysts into the false sense that , one way or another , a full recovery lies ahead thanks to government spending or to self-correcting market forces .
- 这些谬论使分析师们产生了一种错觉:不管怎样,全面复苏就在前方得益于政府支出或者自我纠正的市场力量。
- Most of those unversed in new classical economics assume that john maynard keynes exploded these fallacies 70 years ago .
- 大多数不了解新古典经济学的人以为,约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)70年前就驳倒了这些谬论。
- This handout describes some ways in which arguments often fail to do the things listed above ; these failings are called fallacies .
- 本文介绍了一些论证中往往造成背离上述几条的问题形式;这些问题即是“逻辑谬误”。
- The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious .
- 许多论证的推论错误是相当明显的。
- This is one of the biggest fallacies of building a business .
- 这是创业的最大荒谬之一。
- Ms blythman spoke to the economist about nutrition , food fallacies and why we should pay more attention to native food knowledge .
- 布里斯曼女士向《经济学人》讲解了一些营养、食品方面的错误观点,还告诉我们为什么应该更重视食品的土知识。
- One of the biggest fallacies my opponent presents is that a diet including meat and dairy products is the most efficient way of giving the body the nutrients it needs with a healthy level of calories .
- 与我意见相左的人犯的最大错误就是认为含肉类和奶制品的饮食,是给予身体所需营养物质以及健康水平卡路里的最有效的途径。