
eyewitnesses 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Eyewitnesses who spoke to russian radio described a scene of carnage after the blast ripped through the baggage claims section of the arrivals hall at russia 's largest airport .
- 目击者接受俄罗斯电台采访时,描述了行李箱中的炸弹发生巨响后,这个俄罗斯最大机场的抵达大厅惨案发生区域的场景。
- Investigators and eyewitnesses have reported that the assailants had tvs on , tuned to live broadcasts of the assault , as the commandos prepared to storm the hotels .
- 目击者和调查者声称,他们在电视直播频道上看到了恐怖分子袭击,并且有突击部队准备冲进被围困的酒店。
- The murder story gained credibility when even some state-owned media reported eyewitnesses as saying they saw it happen .
- 当一些国营媒体报道有目击者看到事情经过时,谋杀变得更加可信了。
- Eyewitnesses at the scene contradicted this account , though , saying they still saw fire in several of the building 's top floors .
- 然而现场目击者的说法与此矛盾,他们说看到大楼顶部几层仍有火光。
- On tuesday evening , eyewitnesses said riot police and military swat teams had filled the city centre after tear gas battles earlier in the day .
- 周二警方施放催泪瓦斯后,目击者称,当晚有大批防暴警察和特警在市中心执行警戒。
- Such differences between languages have profound consequences for how their speakers understand events construct notions of causality and agency what they remember as eyewitnesses and how much they blame and punish others .
- 这些语言间的差别深深了决定了他们对事件的最终理解,对事件因果关系的建立、作为目击者的记忆以及他们对肇事者有怎样的谴责和惩罚。
- Over the past 10 months the guardian has interviewed senior iraqi figures and eyewitnesses as well as the former british military officer who investigated the kidnap for the men 's employers .
- 在过去10个月里《卫报》采访了伊拉克高级官员和目击者,以及为遭绑架者的雇主进行调查的前英国军官。
- The problem is the lack of eyewitnesses to the birth of jesus , compared , for instance , to the crowds who watched his crucifixion .
- 问题在于耶稣的降生缺乏目击者,特别是比起他受难时被人围观那会儿。
- The police blamed the driver of the citro n , but eyewitnesses said that the executive 's car had been driving in the wrong lane , to avoid traffic .
- 警察责怪雪铁龙的司机,但有目击者称,是那位副总裁的车为避开堵塞的交通一直在反向行驶。
- Eyewitnesses reported sporadic skirmishes , with police using tear gas and making some arrests , but there were no major clashes .
- 目击者称,双方发生了一些零星的冲突,警方动用了催泪瓦斯,还逮捕了一些人,但没有出现大的冲突。