

extractive 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But evidence suggests that transparency in extractive industries can play an important role .
- 但有证据表明,在采掘行业推行透明措施能够起到重要作用。
- Four columns of extractive distillation for fuel ethanol were analyzed by exergy method .
- 采用有效能分析法对燃料乙醇萃取蒸馏工艺的四个塔进行分析。
- The first law signed by mr humala required the government to consult with local communities before approving extractive projects .
- 胡马拉签署的第一个法案要求政府在批准采掘项目前,先与当地居民商讨。
- Extractive form corm of saffron , preparation method and application .
- 藏红花球茎提取物及制备办法和应用。
- Pure natural compound , overall extractive .
- 天然纯品化合物、总提物。
- Suppose they require extractive companies to report on the greenhouse gas potential of their reserves as well ?
- 设想一下,它们是否还会要求采矿企业上报其矿产储量可能产生的温室气体数量?
- Hplc method was adopted to determine and compared the baicalin content of the radix scutellariae and the extractive residue .
- 并采用高效液相色谱法对黄芩药材和提取药渣中黄芩苷的含量进行定量测定,然后比较。
- African countries are starting to embrace this view through participation in the extractive industries transparency initiative .
- 非洲国家通过参加“采矿业透明度行动计划”(extractiveindustriestransparencyinitiative)已经开始接受这一观点。
- Classical chinese should be extractive , pellucid and propitious to communicate the distillate of traditional culture , enjoy the artistic inditing .
- 文言要少而精、易懂,且利于沟通传统文化精粹和欣赏艺术创作。
- He says little of the income from oil , the mining and extractive sectors trickle down to the poor .
- 他说,石油和矿产资源出口带来的收入很少惠及穷人。