I 'm just providing an existential perspective on procrastination .
I feel compelled to write about procrastination as an existential issue .
But for some people , the real issue raised by the bereavement exclusion is philosophical - or maybe the better word is existential .
For philosophers the great existential question is : " why is there something rather than nothing ? "
The larger body of humanity is aware of this challenge , and it recognizes that we need more people who are truthful , loving , and powerful to deal with this existential threat .
According to ms martin : " redundancy demands existential questions alongside the financial worries . In other words , who am I if I 'm not working ? "
This does not mean interest in the nazi era is diminishing : " young people arefascinatedby the nazi era as it poses the question of existential evil , " said ottomeyer .
Politics notwithstanding , the commitment of governments to defend their banking systems removes the existential threat to the biggest institutions ( or , more precisely , transfers it to sovereign borrowers ) .
Though he referred obliquely to iran 's support for violent groups that dispute israel 's right to exist , the president refrained from directly mentioning iran 's contentious nuclear programme , which the israelis regard as an existential threat , or its abuse of human rights .