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eth 变化形式

易混淆的单词: EthEThETH

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Researchers at the eth have designed a special ophthalmoscope with which they plan to track the robots inside the eye .
They recruited 144 students from eth zurich , sitting them in isolated cubicles and asking them to guess switzerland 's population density , the length of its border with italy , the number of new immigrants to zurich and how many crimes were committed in 2006 .
Scientists from the institute of robotics and intelligent systems at the swiss federal institute of technology ( eth ) in zurich plan to use this technique to steer tiny robots inside the eye for sensing , drug delivery and surgery .
Some cash for the overhaul of the architecture school has come from a technical institute in zurich , known by its initials eth .
The further development of the project led by the eth zurich , on high speed texturing is introduced .
The degrees eth offers range from architecture to neural science to nanosystems -- recent projects include the invention of an infrared cocaine detector and the exploration of oceanic anoxic dead zones .
Third , continue to strengthen the socialist culture and eth , take efforts to provide fine cultural conditions for scientific development .
However , the credibility of the eth as an explanation for abductions is disputed by most psychologists who have investigated this phenomenon .
Zurich swiss federal institute of technology ( eth zurich ) : sure , 76 nobel prize laureates have been affiliated with mit , but eth zurich has a pretty good trump card : this is where albert einstein started his career .
The peptides eclosion hormone ( eh ) and ecdysis-triggering hormone ( eth ) trigger ecdysis behaviors and other physiological changes which occur at the end of the molt .
