


erratically 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Economic changes are proceeding erratically .
- 经济的变化无法预知。
- He ran erratically through the building .
- 他拐来拐去地从楼里跑过去。
- The next guy poor fred sits by begins erratically flailing his left hand .
- 可怜的弗雷德,他傍边的这个家伙又开始不正常的挥舞着他的左手。
- He was obviously upset and was driving erratically .
- 他显然心烦意乱,开起车来摇晃不定。
- When given a simple gambling task , they behave erratically and lose vast sums of money .
- 在完成简单的赌博任务时,他们举止不定,输掉大笔资金。
- Police say they stopped a man driving erratically and the driver opened fire on them .
- 警方表示他们曾拦截一辆驾驶不稳的汽车,司机竟忽然对警察开枪。
- Fearful and confused , people react erratically to changing news , reinforcing confused market behaviour .
- 面对不断变化的消息,恐惧而困惑的人们做出毫无章法的回应,加剧了混乱的市场行为。
- You might see people behaving erratically or dramatically about what is happening in the world around them .
- 你会看到人们对他们周围的世界发生了什么做出无法想象或者戏剧性的反应。
- The opposite would be soft currency where there is a thin market and the currency fluctuates erratically in value .
- 与之相对的是软通货,就是那种市场狭窄、币值起伏不定的货币。
- In her study , books were arranged erratically on chairs , tables and shelves .
- 她的书房里,书歪歪斜斜地摆放在椅子上、桌子上和架子上。