And with her heart in her throat , scarlett had her first sight of yankee uniforms , as uncle peter pointed with his whip to a detachment of dejected-looking bluecoats being shepherded toward the depot by a squad of confederates with fixed bayonets , to entrain for the prison camp .
These brain cells actas the body 's internal clock . Some maintain a natural rhythm of roughly 24.5 hours ( thus a human kept in the dark will gradually fall out of synchronisationwith the day ) . Others entrain that rhythm to the light and dark cycles detectedby the eye .
What these new products do is embed music with beats and pulses that entrain your brain waves to a specific frequency .
The particulate filler fluid is fed under high pressure to the mixing zone , such as to form a jet stream to entrain elastomer latex fluid sufficiently energetically to substantially completely coagulate the elastomer with the particulate filler prior to the discharge end .