Early man didn 't have any concept of what percentage of bear encounters ended in being eaten .
Travel in burma is as much about unexpected encounters as it is about tourist attractions .
The idea is that when a mosquito encounters the infra-red curtain , its senses are overwhelmed and it flies away .
Earlier this year , censors closed websites on which citizens could report their encounters with corrupt officials , typically by reporting anonymously how they had bribed someone .
For example , the first time a child encounters a dog , if the mother is scared she transmits this information to the child .
Whenever the market starts to change as well as an enterprise encounters specific market segment , the ordinary cooperation partners would not meet the requirements of new products development sometimes .
Thereafter , when a bee encounters a desirable scent , its reflexes cause it to extend its proboscis or tongue to lap up the nectar a reflex that scientists are easily able to measure .
Under normal circumstances , the water bear looks like a sleeping bag with chubby legs , but when it encounters extreme conditions , the bag shrivels up .