

employers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Employers love to see experience with numbers attached , " notes lyden . "
- 赖登指出:“雇主喜欢求职者的履历中带有数字说明。
- Given economic constraints , lots of employers have looked to cut back . "
- “由于经济条件限制,许多雇主都已经打算削减开支。”
- But it doesn 't , because employers really want motivated employees . "
- 但实际上并非如此,因为雇主都希望拥有积极上进的员工。”
- How more employers are checking candidates ' social media history .
- 越来越来的雇主开始调查求职者的社交网络记录,且看他们的做法。
- Andrade and his fellow employers want to reverse this trend . "
- 包括安德拉德在内的巴西雇主希望扭转这一趋势。
- What skills are big data employers looking for ?
- 那些寻找大数据人才的雇主需要我们具备哪些技能?
- Employers enjoy several benefits from hiring freelancers .
- 聘用自由职业者对雇主来说益处多多。
- Research the employers who interest you .
- 1.调查你感兴趣的雇主。
- Beware of " employers " who :
- 如果“雇主”存在以下问题,求职者就得当心:
- Employers can read our e-mail .
- 雇主可以查看我们的电子邮件。