Emigrants from asia accounted for almost 50 per cent of moves to other oecd countries .
But the surge in short-term arrivals signals a likely increase in emigrants in the future , experts say .
With rapid growth in their own economies , wages back home rise too , and the supply of emigrants will eventually drop .
How can emigrants help the countries they have left ?
The us remained the country of choice for latin american emigrants , mainly from mexico .
The majority of polish emigrants now go elsewhere in europe , not across the atlantic .
As we usher in the first year of the rat of this century though , perhaps some thought can be spared for the future of such emigrants .
Many adoptees and emigrants have no conscious memory of their native tongue , but a new study suggests at least some information remains in the brain .
But this may be more difficult in a world struggling to achieve genuine mobility of labour where emigrants could overwhelm the redistributive apparatus .
Remittances from the large number of albanian citizens abroad have dropped , but few emigrants have returned home so far , even from recession-wracked greece .