
embroiled 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A few months later , half its members were embroiled in the turmoil of the arab spring .
- 在几周之后,半数的成员国被卷入了阿拉伯之春的动乱之中。
- He also became embroiled in controversy surrounding the government bail-out of chrysler .
- 同时他也因政府保释克莱斯勒而被卷入巨大争议。
- He returned home after the sudden death of his father to find a country embroiled in change .
- 当接到父亲突然去世的消息后,他回到了伊朗,却发现这个国家陷入了巨大的动荡之中。
- And he became embroiled in a damaging argument about gays in the military .
- 并且他使自己卷入一个很有伤害性的关于军队中同性恋问题的争议。
- But both are embroiled in patent infringement lawsuits with apple .
- 但这两家公司都被苹果(apple)以侵犯专利为由提起诉讼。
- Bp will surely become embroiled in this legal mess , and its reputation may suffer .
- 英石油将不可避免地被牵扯到这件法律事件中来,同时其声誉或许也会受到影响。
- She got embroiled with some young man much younger than her .
- 她与某个比她年纪小很多的年轻人发生了纠葛。
- John and peter were quarreling , but mary refused to get embroiled in it .
- 约翰和彼藤在争吵,但藐丽不愿宽呻他们的纠纷中。
- For nearly 30 years from independence in 1975 angola was embroiled in civil war and known as one of the most benighted places in the world .
- 自1975年独立以来,安哥拉在近30年中一直饱受内战困扰,被视为全球最蒙昧的地区之一。
- But right now work is crazy , your family is embroiled in yet another drama , and that pile of laundry isn 't going to wash itself .
- 但眼下工作忙疯了,你的家庭又纠缠于另一场戏剧,而那堆要洗的衣服不会自己洗掉。