Following the embarrassments of the french and dutch referendums in 2005 the eu 's executive arm which functions as a kind of ministry for further integration entered a quiet period .
He has shaken off other embarrassments , such as recent revelations of government contracts awarded to his brother . But he has also picked many fights , defaulting on bonds and bullying foreign investors for example .
It is no longer afflicted by minor embarrassments over the taxation of hot snacks and charitable donations , but by grave questions over the future of jeremy hunt , the culture secretary , and its own economic credibility following britain 's re-entry into recession .
In recent months intel has suffered a string of embarrassments , some self-inflicted ( such as the cancellation or delay of several new products ) , but others at the hands of amd .
Mr cameron and his clan have suffered multiple embarrassments recently .
Barring embarrassments , one french politician is likely to succeed another .
Such an event would have allowed mr hildebrand to survive accusations of insider trading , only to face different legal embarrassments .
On his watch , the organisation has suffered numerous embarrassments , culminating in a party-financed visit to a lesbian-bondage club in hollywood .