

v.臆测,推断( surmise的过去式和过去分词 );揣测;猜想

surmised 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Much as the owners of wordsworth had surmised , the effect was greatest where online shopping became most popular .
Though details were murky , both were widely surmised to be the work of sunni arab jihadists opposed to the governments in both countries .
If the supply chains of companies once consisted of five links , they might soon have dozens , or even hundreds , they surmised .
Now a team of researchers has found a single iron atom at the head of the spike , a discovery that suggests phages enter bacteria in a different way than surmised .
Purves surmised that it would seem natural that human speech therefore influenced the evolution of the human auditory system as well as the part of the brain that processes those audio signals .
Although he had no specific memory of the fax he recalled that around the time it was sent he had talked to a group of scouts who had been fired on by poachers and he surmised from their behavior that they had shot back .
They surmised that if our world views exist to help us cope with mortality , then when reminded of our inevitable demise , we should cling all the more fervently to these beliefs .
" That \ 's why he is still alive , " sun surmised , although three people in the same cavity were dead , the survivor had said .
He surmised that it might be possible that some things that seem useless or of limited applicability now would turn out to be useful in years to come ( microfoundations for macroeconomics , perhaps ? )
Development economists have long surmised that some very poor people may remain trapped in poverty because even the largest investments they are able to make , whether eating a few more calories or working a bit harder on their minuscule businesses , are too small to make a big difference .