Mr obama has the opportunity to fix this and to reform entitlements-something that has eluded every president since ronald reagan .
More encouraging still , the main contenders , america and north korea , did two things that have eluded them in the past .
To overcome these big drawbacks rio would have to exhibit a degree of dealmaking skill that has so far eluded it .
The landscape felt rough and wild , but the reeks - kerry 's roughest and wildest - eluded me still .
They have tapped into a part of their consciousness that they were unable to reach before , arriving at answers that had eluded them in using other thought processes .
While much remains a mystery , one thing researchers agree on is that this is something beyond the " god particle , " or the higgs-boson , a hypothetical elementary particle which has long eluded physicists who believe it could explain why objects have mass .