eld 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The price of the stock may go down as well as up . Eld carries a risk of loss of capital .
- 股票价格可升亦可跌,股票挂?存款存在资金亏损之风险。
- A uniform electric eld exists in a region between two oppositely charged plates .
- 两个电性相反的板子间,具有一均匀的电场.
- Instead , the active contributorsin this eld would have control of their own means of expressionand communication .
- 然而,该领域的积极贡献者,却不得不控制他们自己的表达和交流的方式。
- Objective to discuss the nursing main points of deep vein thrombolytic therapy for low limbs of eld aged patients .
- 目的探讨老年患者下肢深静脉血栓溶栓治疗的护理要点。
- Always use the attack move command to move troops across an active battlefi eld unless you 're ordering an all-out retreat .
- 总是使用攻击指令在活跃的战场上移动,除非你发出全线撤退的命令。
- Immediately after the quake the female eld 's deer herd began alarm calling ( a high staccato barking sound ) until they were called by their keeper and subsequently all congregated in the corner of the pasture nearest the keeper for a short time .
- 地震一开始,母坡鹿群就开始发出警报声(一种断断续续的大声咆哮),直到饲养员招呼它们,才聚集到牧场离饲养员最近的角落,小待了一会儿。
- As a teacher of english , eld , and sheltered math , I have created many educational materials , such as grammar lessons , learning activities , and course outlines .
- 作为英语、英语课程开发、及数学兼职教师,我编制了许多教材,如:语法、学习活动和课程纲要。
- My granddaddy died three eld ago .
- 我祖父三年前去世。
- Selection of hainan eld 's deer on foraging sites and food items .
- 海南坡鹿对采食场地及食物的选择。
- Probe into the pregnancy outcome of eld gravida with sugar metabolism abnormality .
- 探讨糖代谢异常高龄孕妇的妊娠结局。