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n.教育( education的名词复数 );教育学;教育机构;有教益的经历

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That agenda will include philanthropic efforts involving classical music and college educations for disadvantaged students , as well as initiatives to help us children become global citizens .
But despite all these gifts -- an ease with technology , excellent educations , a surprisingly durable optimism -- millennials are at the same time cursed .
Unfortunately , american students who overpaid for college educations are graduating and finding out that their degrees are worthless and no jobs are available for them .
Post-mortems showed the pathology - signs of disease - in the brains of people with and without long educations were at similar levels .
In its idealised form , it has a three-language policy : students learn their regional or state language , hindi and english over the course of their educations .
Experts say that the economic upheaval won 't dry up the type of government-backed loans on which many law students rely to finance their educations .
Parents sacrifice and " eat bitter " so their children can get educations that lead to better lives .
He encouraged spiro agnew , his vice-president , to declare war on the " effete corps of impudent snobs " in the media , with their ivy league educations and georgetown social values .
Heroic virtues are not single actions but part of an entire texture of society of structures , of educations , of opportunities , of vocabulary which we have lost and now mistrust .
She and other researchers have linked as much as half of the income inequality in america to changes in family composition : single-parent families ( mostly those with a high-school degree or less ) are getting poorer while married couples ( with educations and dual incomes ) are increasingly well-off .