The meal arrives , the food sparsely presented on earthy yellow plates .
But in a sign that people here are finding the best ways they can to cope with the ordeal , humor of japan 's cute but often earthy nature is beginning to resurface on the internet .
Solidify agent stabilizes the function of material of basic level of earthy road surface and applied research .
In appearance it is earthy , hard and compact , mostly massive and becomes fine powders after being processed .
You portray an earthy , physical sexiness that others find quite seductive .
His words leap from the page , imbued with passion for life on the seedy side of paris , and rich in the earthy pleasures of wine , women and cursing .
You can bake these with or without sprinkling some extra sugar on top ; with extra sugar gives a nice contrast to the earthy green tea flavor .
It 's delicate with subtle earthy qualities .
I 'm not just talking about grid systems and earthy screen designs .
The earthy paradise had been discredited at exactly the moment when it became realizable .